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Showing posts from January, 2018

Object Oriented Basic Concepts

           Object Oriented Basic Concepts Object-Orientation: Its called object orientation because that contain the things related of real word. A table is a object,like a cycle,a human being etc all are the objects. In every day life, we uses a so many objects,and we work with model. For ex. we uses a model to describe a reality. The teacher drives own car as well as reads a book. Basic Concepts of OOP: Object Classes Encapsulation Abstraction Inheritances Polymorphism Dynamic binding Messaging Object: It is a basic run time entity. It contain data and properties(methods) that can manipulate a information. The object is communicate with each other and programming problem analysed.       Example: If FERRARI is a one object that contain following data and properties. Classes: Object contain data and methods. The class is contain the entire set of data and methods. Objects are variable type class. A class is collectio