Deep Web The internet is known as a most important searching platform. We are use the Internet for various activities like a searching a information, listening a music,watching a various videos and all other so many activities. For that we can use a various search engine like a google,being,yahoo etc.Now-a-days google and like a other search engine makes a part of our day-to-day life. If you want a search a any information then most we uses a platforms like a Google,yahoo etc. This search engines is our first choice its hit in mind suddenly. This is also called "Surface web" . But another is most important option for all this is the which gives the hidden information to all of us is Dark Web and Deep Web. The internet consist at least more than 4 billion websites that have indexed by the various search engine. But the deep web and
Information Assurance ( IA ) 1.Introduction: Now-a-days Internet clients has increased which is over the world 200 million.This Internet is accessed via mobile telephone,computer,PDA, games machine etc,. So its also need to protect the data,information as well as security of data and all other things related to the security. Hence the Information Assurance is very important concept which is related to the Information Security. 2.What is Information Assurance ? Information Assurance is one process or its is a one activity which help us to protecting our data,our system or network. Its also getting the right data to the right persons at the right time. It protects the information,hardware,software and data from damage or theft. The measure pillars of the Information Assurance Integrity, Availability Confidentiality. 3. Pillars of the AI: