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Deep Web

                                               Deep Web                           The internet is known as a most important searching platform. We are use the Internet for various activities like a searching a information, listening a music,watching a various videos and all other so many activities. For that we can use a various search engine like a google,being,yahoo etc.Now-a-days google and like a other search engine makes a part of our day-to-day life.                        If you want a search a any information then most we uses a platforms like a Google,yahoo etc. This search engines is our first choice its hit in mind suddenly. This is also called "Surface web" .  But another is most important option for all this is the which gives the hidden information to all of us is Dark Web and Deep Web.                                              The internet consist at least more than 4 billion websites that have indexed by the various search engine. But the deep web and
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Information Assurance(IA)

                                Information Assurance ( IA ) 1.Introduction:                  Now-a-days Internet clients has increased which is over the world 200 million.This Internet is accessed via mobile telephone,computer,PDA, games machine etc,. So its also need to protect the data,information as well as security  of data and all other things related to the security. Hence the Information Assurance is very important concept which is related to the Information Security.                     2.What is Information Assurance ?   Information Assurance is one process or its is a one activity which help us to protecting our data,our system or network. Its also getting the right data to the right persons at the right time. It protects the information,hardware,software and data from damage or theft. The measure pillars of the Information Assurance Integrity, Availability Confidentiality.                                                 3. Pillars of the AI:    


                                            Samba Server       When we transfer a any file,folder or any information then its called "Data Transfer."  The data transfer is most important task in our day-to-day life. We transfer a data between two mobiles using Bluetooth or using various apps.We transfer a data between two computers using network. But how to transfer or shares files between to  different computers which have a different operating systems.At that time we need to uses a samba software.  Consider two computers one have a windows operating system and another one Linux. Then how we shares a file ????  That time uses a Samba Server .     Whats Samba??                                                                                                                     Samba is a one one open source software. Which is used for share a files and printers between the Linux/Unix and Widows Software.Its also support to all versions of DOS a

Piconet and Scatternet

                                 Piconet and Scatternet         Transfer a data to various people  its become most important now a days. There are a lots of methods are available to  share to data or transfer to data.But I explain here about the Bluetooth  Piconet and Scatternet. Piconet:           Piconet gets its name fro the world "pico". Pico means a very small.         A piconet is nothing but small network. Using this network we can share the data or transfer the data .Its one ad-hoc network.Which links a wireless user group of devices,using Bluetooth  technology.         Piconet is formed at least two devices such as portable PC and a cellular phone to connect. Ad maximum 8 to need to make this network.When network is established, one device act as master and other as salve.                 A piconet sometime called as PAN. Because its range just 10 Meter.    2. Scatternet:          Scatter means in various direction.          Sca

Search Engine

                                     Search Engine Search Engine:                   The search engine is computer program or software system   which allows to find the information  on World Wide Web.       Ex. Google,Yahoo, bing etc                  In this digital world we are using most of time this search engines.But we have no idea about how the search engine works?      2.How the search engine works?                  Each search engine works in three main steps.                      i)Crawling                     ii)Indexing                    iii)Ranking      i)Crawling:                    In general crawling means babies are move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground.This is the first step  of baby for standing up like this crawling is same first step of search engine.                    Crawling is a process which search engine discover the web pages,sites,dead links etc. The web crawler is also called a spi

Dumpster Diving

                                     Dumpster Diving        Attacker does not launch their attack without any information. This information gets from targets trash.        If attacker gets the information from the targets trash is called Dumpster Diving.Its belongs to the Social Engineering.      In the dumpster diving the attacker search the small data in trash and it get very sticky information like a pin number,username,password etc,.       In computer security dumpster diving is like a dumping. That means the rubbish unwanted waste,unwanted materials etc,.           How to avoid Dumpster Diving? Avoid throwing sensitive information in the trash. Company should have some polices about to destroy trash. Company should contain trash container.

Computer Virus

                                          Computer Virus Computer Virus:                    Computer virus is one program or piece of code typically affect on the system such as a corrupting file,destroy itself.    Following are the different categories of                  viruses:                     i) Boot Sector virus                    ii) Macro virus                   iii) Multipartic  virus                   iv) TSR virus                    v) Stealth virus                      i)Boot Sector Virus:  Its spread using physical media like floppy disks, M.B.R., Hard Drives etc,.  Booting process means loading the operating system into the main memory. This virus replace a some booting files with their corrupted files. A boot sector virus is able to infect a computer only if the virus is used to boot up the computer. ii)Macro Virus:  Macro is one special purpose command language. Macro virus is written in the m